Sunday 8 November 2009


While the BLUE team played South Morningside the rest of the P4 squad had an excellent training session, with a special guest coach!  A proper, real, professional goalkeeper coach - Gordon the Goalie (from Edinburgh City FC) - took the players that thought jumping around in mud would be good fun while Neil took the sensible players that just wanted to score goals off for some shooting practice.

GTG had some superb goalkeeper drills that started with basic throwing and catching, moved on to diving in mud and finally had everyone making spectacular saves.  We have some fantastic photos from the session.  Thanks to Graeme (Robert's Dad)...

(GTG gets started!)

(Dive Hector!)

(Doesn't look good for Struan!)

(Save of the season Danny!)

(Catch it Keir!)

(What a save Robert!)

(Amir shows how it is done!)

(Cracking save from Ali the Goalie)

(GTG organises the new keepers)

(Struan and Robert have their eyes on the ball!)

The rest of the boys concentrated on getting lots of shots on target - poor Keith had to be in goals!  They played a short drill where a pass with the side of the foot to the coach was returned to the player who then had a first time shot.  Next we concentrated on passing and moving during our small sided game.  Both teams played really well with Sasha and Valdi being on top form!

(Joe Roz and Sasha battle in midfield.)

(Ouch, more crunching tackles from Sasha, Aiden and Matthew escape...!)

(Matthew closes in on Sasha)

(PENALTY!? Valdi plays on while Matthew tests the mud!)

(Abhisar watches as Valdi sprints away from Roddy)

(Joe Roz reacts as Valdi closes in)

(Abisar plays the ball to Sasha, Yellow team have taken up nice positions!)

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